
The Miracle Stories of the Early Christian Tradition is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Miracle Stories of the Early Christian Tradition is a form-critical study of the miracle stories recorded in the gospels. Building upon classic form critical methods, Gerd Theissen provides analysis based upon one synoptic literary form. Motifs, themes, and genres of the miracle stories are explored at length. Unlike one dimensional studies, Theissen takes an integrated approach examining the...

Because the negative web of evil has already been broken it is possible for salvation to come in individual instances. Because individual instances of salvation occur, the presence of the end can be proclaimed here and now.50 Even the Qumran texts provide no parallel for this combination of present and future eschatology. In a fine study,51 H. W. Kuhn has shown that present and future eschatology were combined in Qumran, the present deriving from a spiritualised liturgical tradition, the future from
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